Gospel this past week (Luke 4) gave us a glimpse of division within Jesus’ hometown place of worship. Congregation was furious that his power and comfort was not focused on them. How often we think in terms of “for-me-ness,” even in matters of faith: forgiveness for me, salvation for me. Self-care is essential but not self-preoccupation. We don’t want to feel like outsiders, but those outside our doors yearn to be gathered in as well. God’s love can stretch in all kinds of ways, into all kinds of change. And Luke reminds us that Jesus loves the word “today”! Scripture and the history recorded in Scripture reminds us that what we consider sacred can sometimes be uprooted. But that through the Holy Spirit, God’s love plants and rebuilds.
Join us in worship and awe and wondering: Sunday mornings at 11:30. We now have a new, young pianist whom we would like to support!
Prayer chosen for the week, taken from the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship (alt):
Eternal Creator, our only hope, our hope in times of troubles; show us how to live through our differences. Do not let threats multiply or power be used without compassion. May Your will overrule human willfulness, so that people may work together in harmony. Hold back those who are impulsive so that desire for vengeance does not overwhelm our common welfare. Bring peace to earth, through Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace for the entire world. Amen
Blessings and grace Pastor Dora
About Our Church
Our church has been part of the South Side community since 1833. The building was begun before the civil War with the main section completed in 1869. Our gym was the first gym for public use in the neighborhood. We have space for all kinds of community projects. A vital current ministry is our Open Mic, held the third Thursday of every month for poets and musicians, experienced and just starting out. There is a $5 cover, but we provide refreshments as well as a safe and nurturing space with terrific acoustics.
We worship every Sunday morning at 11:30. You can also join us via telephone conference call by calling (412)-307-7952 ten minutes before services start & hold on until we greet you. You can contact the church at 412 431-0118 or on our email, [email protected].
At South Side Presbyterian Church, we take Christ’s Social Justice seriously. We serve this community and the poets and actors who are drawn to it. We invite your presence and your contributions. Join us!