January 1 New Year's Day (Happy New Year to All) January 6 Epiphany of the Lord January 8 Communion/ Ordination and Installation of Officers January 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 22 Per Capita Sunday January 29 Annual luncheon after worship service (sign up at the church as to what covered dish you will bring or call the church office and leave a message) followed by the annual Congregational/Corporation Meeting. February 14 Valentine's Day February 20 President's Day February 22 Ash Wednesday
A Message From Session Members
Happy New Year to Everyone! The New Year is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings -- a time to let go of what's in the past and move forward with hope for what lies ahead. When the ball drops at midnight on New Year's Eve, we are also interested in dropping bad behaviors, unhealthy behaviors, and/or negative mindsets and therefore we make resolutions or set goals for the New Year. But, how many of those resolutions do we keep and how many of our goals have we failed to meet? We probably have not kept most resolutions and failed with reaching our goals for many years. Make calendar year 2023 a new year and a new you. Ring in the year with biblical resolutions and celebrate with scripture. Kick off the New Year's festivities this year with faith, and celebrate with comfort and confidence in Christ's word, while practicing spiritually healthy habits. These New Year's scriptures may uplift and motivate you to start new practices with an emphasis on what truly matters: Philippians 4:8 "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." 1 Corinthians 10:31 "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." Philippians 2:3-4 "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others."
Valentine's Day, February 14, is only a few weeks away, and the Bible contains beautiful examples of true love. As you celebrate the day, these scripture passages may help remind you of the love you share and the love of God. 1 Corinthians 13:13 "And now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14 "Let all that you do be done in love." 1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love."
A Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year to All, and may love be with you always.
Your Session and Ruling Elders: Wayne Morrison and Ronda Kopchak
Guest Worship Leaders for November and December
January 1 No Worship Service January 8 Rev. Steven Bomely January 15 Rev. Ronald Church January 22 Rev. Ronald Church January 29 Rev. Steven Bomely February 5 (Pending) February 12 Rev. Steven Bomely February 19 Rev. Ronald Church February 26 Rev. Ronald Church
Elders and Deacons for 2023
At the November 13, 2022 Congregational - Corporation Meeting the following church members were elected to serve as officers for 2023: Elders - Ronda Kopchak, Kathy Krauth-Miller, Audrey Moore and Wayne Morrison; Deacons - Edna Czlapinski, Vicki Dusch, Bill Fletcher, Sharon Ives, Adrianne Legas and Charlotte taylor. these individuals will all be installed as officers during worship service on January 8, 2023. Vicki Dusch will also be ordained on that day as this is her first term as an officer. We hope you will be able to attend this service to show your support for their willingness to assist in all church related activities and assume responsibility for the challenges we face in moving the church forward.
Please Keep In Your Prayers
Please continue to keep in your prayers the Spiegel and Rahuba families, Amanda Gordon, Lois Baxendell, Juanita Johnson, Christine Zarnich, Charlotte Taylor, Janet Frisch, Charolette Flamm, Adrianna Legas, Sharon A. Ives and her sister Janet Williams, Edna Czlapinski, Michelle Alker, Dominic Ricciuti, and Jim Rockot.
Annual Congretional and Corporation Meeting
The annual Congregational/ Corporation Meeting for members is scheduled for Sunday, January 29, 2023. The meeting will begin around 1:00 pm after the annual luncheon. All members and friends of the church are invited to attend. Copies of the annual report for review by members prior to the meeting will be available at the church on Sunday, January 22. There will be no conference call connection for this meeting and we encourage members to attend the gathering in person. Members who want a copy of the report mailed to them should call the church office.
If you plan to bring a covered dish to the luncheon please sign up on the sheet available for this purpose at the church, or call the church office and leave a message as to what you will bring.
2023 Offering Envelopes
The 2023 offering envelopes are now available and can be picked up at the church on Sundays from 10 am until noon. If you are unable to pick u your box of envelopes, you can call the church office and special arrangements can be made.
Per Capita
January 22, 2023 has been designated as Per Capita Sunday. Members are asked to voluntarily donate $35.70 for the year to the Pittsburgh Presbytery for this purpose. Of this amount $9.85 goes to General Assembly, $2.40 goes to Synod and $23.45 remains with the Presbytery. An envelope for this purpose is provided to members in the box of offering envelopes for 2023. The total amount collected by our church will be sent to the Pittsburgh Presbytery for distribution. The funds collected cover a number of expenses for regional and national work.
If you cannot submit your Per Capita offering on January 22, you can make your voluntary contribution on any Sunday, or mail your Per Capita offering to the church.
Kitchen Korner
Ham Spread for Crackers (Good for the Holidays or any party) Ingredients: 1 cup cooked ham (grind ham in food processor) 2 teaspoons horseradish 1 teaspoon minced onion 1 tablespoon dried parsley 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional) dash of pepper dash of ground cayenne pepper 1/4 cup mayonnaise (mix all ingredients together)
Some Funny Church Jokes
A husband and a wife get up on Sunday morning. After breakfast, the wife notices that her husband isn't dressed for church. "Why aren't you dressed for church?" "Simple, I'm not going." "Why not?" "Well, I'll give you three pretty good reasons why I'm not going. First of all, the church is cold in the morning. It's just cold. Second, no one there likes me. Everyone is always talking about me behind my back. And, third, and most important of all, I just don't feel like going!" "Well, I'll give you three pretty good reasons why you ARE going. First of all, the church isn't cold in the morning, it's warm. Second, I think, or I'm pretty sure, that there are some people there who do like you. And third, you're the minister, so get dressed."
The pastor exclaimed, "We will conduct a Church Board meeting instantly after the service." Soon when the service ended, everyone from the Church Board came to the sanctuary's back to attend the declared meeting. But an unknown visitor appeared in the midst -- a person who had never been seen at that church earlier. After noticing that person, the pastor said, "Aren't you aware that this is a Board meeting?" The visitor replied, "Of course, and after attending the current sermon, I believe I am quite bored like everyone else in this Board meeting."
Open Mic Coffee House November and December
There will be no Open Mic Coffee House event in January or February. Given the cold weather and unpredictable snow storms resulting in low attendance during that period, the Coffee House will take a winter break as it did last year.
If you would like to share your talent with others or know of someone who might want to share their talent in either the November or December Coffee House event, please call Mike at 412-327-5498 or email him at [email protected].